Proud Places
Proud Places
Call for Lived Experience & Those Working in the Sector
Proud Places
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we know that the current level of care that all seniors receive is dangerously inadequate. However, many 2SLGBT seniors rely on chosen families and connections to advocate for them and their own care. Special consideration needs to be given to ensure that 2SLGBT seniors, especially those living in congregate environments, are in an environment where the quality of care is safe.
Enduring - Self sustaining living
Independent - Private dignified spaces for every body
At the core of The Proud Places and Spaces Project is the fundamental priority of ensuring that 2SLGBT elders are supported and have safe and inclusive spaces as they age. There is a major gap in knowledge, research and engagement with regards to 2SLGBT seniors. We often hear that seniors need to go back into the closet as they age and move into congregate living environments such as retirement communities or long-term care. Further, and more distressing is that seniors may be receiving culturally unsafe care from paid carers who may have little to no awareness or competencies around 2SLGBT culture.
Wonder - A full understanding of the issues
The values that drive the Proud Places project are:
Celebration - A joyful project filled with optimism
Wonder - A full understanding of the issues
Enduring - Self-sustaining living
Independent - Private dignified spaces for everybody
Deliberate - This isn't fussy, we know what we want
Deliberate - This isn’t fussy, we know what we want
Project priority focus areas - Based on New Horizons Grant Program
The Proud Places project is directly supported by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons Grant Program. The objective of this project is to engage with targeted seniors communities around Ontario, and in other regions, to hear about successful co-housing models (completed or in-progress) where 2SLGBT seniors can age well in safe, loving, and caring spaces. This project will also identify design solutions that support the compassionate care elders need. This includes building types, spaces within buildings, and the ergonomic needs that are specific to this community. Kilogram Studio will be reaching out to a range of services providers, community organizations, housing providers and people with lived experience as part of this project.
Proud Places project meets the following national priorities:
National Priority 1 – Supporting healthy ageing by creating awareness and opportunities for LGBTQ co-housing and inclusive spaces.
National Priority 3 – Creating safe and inclusive spaces for seniors who are members of the 2SLGBT community, including women, and seniors who are gender non-binary. These spaces will also have the opportunity for intergenerational engagement and mentoring between 2SLGBT youth and seniors.